90" by 66" o/c
2002 (reworked 2005)
Exhibited originally at the Henry Art Gallery in Seattle for my 2002 MFA, I refined this painting heavily this summer, completely reworking the face and upper torso, opening new "fissures" of spatial area, and cleaning up the large vertical marks.
This is the only one of my recent painting to include a "complete" figure, with the model's head totally solid; the suggestion is that as as time passed, only her face solidified in the memory, and the shapes of the room and her body spin off exist in a more fluid temporal space.
A lot of my time is spent stitching abstract planes, figurative marks, and observational memory into a believable if non-specific space. I depend on painting tools to form their own rooms and spaces and even people in a kind of response to observed reality, rather than a slavish visual mimesis.